We will talk in Parliament on the economic issues

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras briefed the leader of major opposition party New Democracy (ND), Kyriakos Mitsotakis at Maximos Hall in the framework of contacts with the Greek political parties on economic and other issues.

Mitsotakis called for a complete disclosure of everything agreed to by the Greek side at last week’s Eurogroup meeting in Luxembourg, the session that provided the decisive “green light” for disbursing the latest loan tranche to bailout-dependent Greece.

A second review of the ongoing Greek program (third bailout) was achieved at the Eurogroup after a more than year-long delay.

He made the statement during a high-profile meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at the latter’s official office, given that the leftist leader on Monday commenced a successive round of one-on-one briefings of opposition political leaders over results of the Eurogroup.

On his part, Mitsotakis said his party’s priority is an off-the-agenda debate in Parliament on economic policy, and not behind-the-door briefings, per se.



Speaking before the TV cameras Mr. Mitsotakis told the PM that the economic matters would be debated in parliament. “We will talk in private, but we will also have the chance to have a dialogue in parliament. The people must learn the whole truth”, Mr. Mitsotakis said.

The Greek PM responded that sensitive matters relating to negotiations are best discussed in private. Mr. Tsipras briefed all the heads of Greece’s political parties on the developments on the Cypriot matter in light of the meeting in Switzerland, as well as the results of the recent EuroGroup.

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