Nana Karayianni dies at 38 suffering from anorexia

Journalist and television presenter of lifestyle magazines, Nana Karayianni, was found dead in her apartment in the district of Kypseli in Athens. The 38-year-old talented young woman had been struggling with anorexia nervosa for many years.



Her body was found on her bed in her apartment. Her concerned father who did not have any contact with her since last Sunday, informed the police that broke into the apartment with the help of a locksmith.

Police has reportedly not found signs of a crime. The deceased had last posted in her social media accounts on Monday morning.



An autopsy conducted on Wednesday morning could not determine the exact causes of her death. Results of toxicological and histological samples are expected in the next days.

Nana Karayianni has been suffering from anorexia nervosa for more than ten years.


When she was full in the lifestyle business, she would always deny she had an eating disorder. For her co-workers and friends, she was a woman on extreme low weight. In her own eyes, she was just thin who needed to be thinner.

She spoke many times about her long battle with the disease, her fixation “with her weight” and how it all started.

Anorexia nevrosa is more than an eating disorder that can end life-threatening. It is a nightmare that keeps thousands of girls but also boys in its claws.

In an interview last year, she openly spoke about her struggle. “I’m sorry that there are so many girls living with this. I don’t want anyone to come through this, it makes me feel so sorry.”



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