Sea Salt

Health Benefits

Sea salt is an essential mineral for all life. For the health-conscious consumer, our delicate, artisanal hand-harvesting method retains trace levels of essential minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and iodine.

There are many ways in which sea salt can reinforce human health. It bolsters our immune system; relieves dry, itchy skin; improves heart health, enhances digestion; and maintains a healthy balance of electrolytes in the body. When salt is consumed with water, it can help reduce high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Also, it alleviates depression, since it preserves two essential hormones in the body that help us manage stress better. In addition, Sea salt is beneficial for conditions such as asthma, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

Hippocrates, the Greek Physician and “Father of Western Medicine,” was the first to recognize salt as a health remedy and recommended salt inhalation as a respiratory treatment.



Sea Salt has played a unique role in world history as it has been incorporated into the daily lives and traditions of countless civilizations. In Ancient Greece, sea salt symbolized friendship and solidarity; also, it was used by the Greeks make compromises. In Ancient Rome, salt was so valuable that it was utilized as currency; in fact, the word ” salary,” is derived from the word, “salt.” Also, the word, ” salad,” originates from the word, “salt,” since the early Romans used salt on their leafy greens and vegetables. As a precious portable commodity, Salt was so highly valued that it was traded between the Phoenicians and their Mediterranean empire; in Asia the weight of salt was traded with gold.

Source: Mentis Estate

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