Happy Birthday Acropolis Museum

The Acropolis Museum celebrates its eighth birthday today.



The Acropolis Museum is celebrating its 8th year of operation on Tuesday, June 20, and visitors will enjoy free entry on the day from 8pm till midnight. The Museum management will organize a concert in its courtyard in an expression of gratitude to its 11 million Greek and foreign visitors, while a large screen will be set at ground level with footage of the Acropolis caves and findings in them.

The anniversary will include a video presentation of the newest findings from the caves around the Acropolis, sites that were first inhabited in prehistoric times, and developed into important places of worship in antiquity.

At 9 p.m., the Orchestra of the Center of Arts & Culture of Dion will perform popular Greek songs in the entrance courtyard, with soloists Vassilis Lekkas, Alexandra Gravas, Babis Velissarios and Filio Servou.

The exhibition grounds of the Museum and the restaurant will remain open from morning until midnight and entry will be free from 8 pm onwards.



Acropolis Museum, Dionysiou Areopagitou,
tel 210.900.0900, www.theacropolismuseum.gr

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