DK: one of the world’s top freerunners

The young Greek practices his latest moves in Thessaloniki. He overcomes obstacles with skill and strength, jumping rolling or leaping over everything in his way.


Dimitris Kyrsanidis first started freerunning when he was 12 years old with his friends from his neighborhood in Thessaloniki, Greece. He wanted to do something extraordinary, something different from the stuff he did every day. He believed that football, basketball, volleyball and all the other sports in the media were too ordinary, too casual for him, so he tried freerunning. He was impressed by the jumps, rolls and flips.

For Dimitris, freerunning is not just a hobby, it’s his life. “I do my training every day like people eat dinner every day,” he says. “I do it not because I have to, but because freerunning is my life.”

Winning the 2014 and 2015 editions of Red Bull Art of Motion in Santorini brought him worldwide fame and catapulted him into the freerunning elite.



When he isn’t competing, he spends his time travelling the world, entering in professional freerunning contests, jams and workshops, and contributing to growing the sport’s popularity.


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