Cyclops at Ancient Epidaurus

An all-female production which seeks to redress the balance between the serious and the ludicrous, between the genres of splatter horror and comedy.

The text includes excerpts from Odyssey and Theocritus’ Cyclops (trans. Pantelis Boukalas).

A masculine, raw, violent world of mutual killing and man-eating, where justice is tantamount to the survival of the fittest. In the land of the Cyclops, the Outsider is neither sheltered nor entertained. Rather, s/he is exploited or devoured. There, one can be neither good nor bad. One can only be either frightened and desperate or merciless and cruel. Euripides’ characters are frivolous, ridiculous, sly, opportunistic, decadent, and savage. They are ridiculed and ridicule others in return. They are crushed and seek to crush others. This purely masculine world is explored through the lens of femininity: through the female body, psychology, and expression.

With English surtitles



Translation: Pantelis Boukalas
Direction: Pantelis Dentakis
Set and costume design: Georgia Bourda
Movement: Ermis Malkotsis
Music: Eleftherios Veniadis
Lighting design: Sakis Birbilis
Assistant directors: Efi Revmata, Thanasis Zeritis
Stefania Goulioti (Cyclops), Anna Kalaitzidou (Odysseus), Alexandra Aidini (Silenus), Nefeli Maistrali, Maria Mouschouri, Amalia Ninou, Myrto Panagou, Eleni Tsimprikidou (Satyrs), Efi Revmata (Extra)

Executive producers: Polyplanity Productions / Yolanda Markopoulou, Vicky Strataki


Athens & Epidaurus Festival 2017

Little Theatre of Ancient Epidaurus

21-22 July 2017



Ticket prices

Regular tickets: Prices starting from 20€ to 25€
People with disabilities:

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