Born in Greece… Addressed to the World

The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUoA) and the E-learning Programme of its Continuing Education Center address the international public through the universal language of culture.

YouGoCulture perceived as an inherent part of their mission, they have set out an extrovert effort to introduce fascinating facets of Greece to the world.

And this, by deploying the distinguishable and longstanding features of its cultural heritage, coupled with its contemporary identity shaped in country’s everyday life.

Introduces Greek culture in an extrovert manner on two distinguished levels: to showcase the country’s priceless cultural heritage and to familiarize the international public with aspects of the Greek society of today.



A sophisticated and interactive online platform which aims at awarding substance to exceptional virtual tours at destinations or experiential tours in a variety of cultural subjects designed by our academic experts exploring the identity of long standing cultures of Greece and Mediterranean Sea.

Yougoculture attempts to record points of global interest or offer access to them by familiarizing the world with the achievements of civilizations that constituted the cradle of the evolution and the values of the modern world as we know it. By utilizing the abilities of contemporary digital technologies and the new media along with their applications, the platform invites users either to enjoy a virtual trip fitting their personal needs and preferences (VIRTUAL TOURS) or dive in “hand-picked” activities carefully selected by our specialised academic staff (CULTURAL TOURS).

It extends an invitation to potential virtual or actual travellers who are on a quest for substantial contact with culture or seek to go beyond mainstream options.

Take a Virtual Tour of:

Athens | State of Democracy

Epidavros | The Cradle of Medicine)

Ancient Olympia |The spirit of Olympic Games

Mycenae | The kingdom of mythical Agamemnon

Marathon | Spoiled for choice

Mystras | The most peculliar castle town in Greece

Messene | A typically organized city

Lavrion-Sounion | Poseidon welcomes you aboard



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